Premium freezers are the original benchmark for top quality ultra low temperature freezers. They provide many of the same features as our Innova models but are conventionally insulated for an cost effective alternative. CO2 and LN2 back-up systems, racking, and more are available.

Unique vacuum vent with plunger ergonomically located at waist level to gain immediate access to your freezer. Password protection of alarm and temperature set points to prevent unauthorized setting changes. Each freezer slides effortlessly through a standard doorway simplifying installation. Temperature range from –50 °C to –86 °C.

  • Traditionally foamed Polyurethane insulation provides efficient insulation protection.
  • Quick pull down and recovery times with reliable heavy-duty compressors.
  • SMART PLUS™ diagnostic system displays error codes allowing accurate diagnoses by engineers over the phone, saving you time and money.